

Capricorn Energy Reiterates Operations Commitment In Egypt

Capricorn Energy, the Egypt-focused oil and gas Production Company, has announced that the detailed operational update presentation on its Egypt assets will be held in London on 30 November 2023. The update will outline the Company’s commitment to its business in Egypt and include the outcome of the recently commissioned new reserves report, an up-to-date […]

Oilfield Africa - Monday September 18, 2023
Neptune Energy Commences Drilling Operations At Yakoot Prospect, Egypt

Neptune Energy  has kicked off drilling operations at its operated Yakoot exploration well, located in the North West El Amal Concession in the southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt. It is the first operated well to be drilled by Neptune in Egypt. The operation is being carried out with the ADM-8 rig, operated by ADES, and […]

Oilfield Africa - Thursday August 24, 2023
Permian Resources Acquires Earthstone Energy

Cheiron  said that it has made a new oil discovery in the Geisum and Tawila West in the Gulf of Suez. Cheiron (through its PICO GOS affiliate) holds a 60% working interest and operatorship in the Concession, with Kufpec holding the remaining 40% interest. The field operations are managed by the PetroGulf Misr Joint Operating […]

Oilfield Africa - Tuesday August 22, 2023
TWMA Wins Multi-Million Drilling Cuttings Waste Contract In Egypt

TWMA a drilling waste management specialist has been awarded a contract worth up to $15 million to support a large-scale oil and gas project for bp in Egypt. The company will employ its award-winning RotoMill drill cuttings processing technology to process all drilling waste generated from bp’s WND & END exploration and development project in […]

Oilfield Africa - Monday August 14, 2023
Egypt: Electricity Cutbacks Threaten Rights

The Egyptian government is limiting electricity use with daily power cutbacks nationwide, putting people’s economic and social rights at risk, Human Rights Watch said today. The cuts appear to last longer in rural areas, which have higher poverty rates, and have left many people without power amid soaring temperatures, hindering their ability to perform their jobs, including for some […]

Oilfield Africa - Wednesday August 9, 2023
Egypt Is Powering Her Energy Needs With New 10GW Wind Project

Egypt is consolidating her power investment portfolio in energy transition through new wind power project. This time round, the oil rich-country and ACWA Power, a Saudi-listed company has signed a fresh memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) to allocate land for a 10 GW wind project in Egypt. The […]

Oilfield Africa - Wednesday July 19, 2023
SDX Energy Contemplates Divestment Of Egyptian Assets

The Board of SDX Energy are aware of rumours concerning its Egyptian business and confirms that the Company has received multiple offers in regard to the sale of its Egyptian assets, which the Board are evaluating. Any proposed transaction would be subject to the usual conditions associated with a transaction of this nature, including but […]

Oilfield Africa - Saturday June 17, 2023
Eni First Egypt’s Damietta LNG Cargo Arrives Regasification Facility In Italy

Eni has begun offloading the first LNG cargo into Snam’s new regasification terminal in Piombino today, in the presence of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. The terminal has a total processing capacity of 5 billion cubic metres per year, or approximately 7% of Italy’s gas demand. The LNG was […]

Oilfield Africa - Friday May 5, 2023
United Oil & Gas Is On Course With Spudding Operations In Egypt

United Oil & Gas has given positive and progressive reports on operations in the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt. United holds a 22% non-operating interest in the Abu Sennan licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt. ASD-3 Well Spud The ASD-3 development well has now commenced drilling. This well will be drilled approx. 1.2km […]

Oilfield Africa - Wednesday April 5, 2023
United Oil & Gas Resumes Production From The ASH-8 WELL ONSHORE EGYPT

United Oil & Gas PLC, the full-cycle oil and gas company with a portfolio of production, development, exploration and appraisal assets has announced the commencement of production from ASH-8 development well (“ASH-8”) in the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt. on 16 March at an initial stabilised rate of c. 2,980 bopd and 2.64 mmscf/d gross (c. 656 […]

Oilfield Africa - Wednesday March 22, 2023

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