Tullow Oil has signed a binding heads of terms agreement with Gabon Oil Company for the sale of Tullow Oil Gabon SA, which holds 100% of Tullow’s working interests in Gabon for cash consideration of $300 million net of tax. This disposal of a portfolio of non-core assets is accretive to both equity and leverage […]
Panoro Energy ASA and BW Energy have announced a significant new oil discovery with good reservoir quality at the Bourdon prospect, located on the Dussafu Marin Permit offshore Gabon in which Panoro holds a 17.5 per cent participating interest. The well was drilled to a total depth of 4,135 metres with the Borr Norve jack-up […]
BW Energy, an operator of the Dussafu Marin licence in Gabon and the Golfinho cluster offshore Brazil reported EBITDA of USD 130 million for the third quarter of 2024. This was up from USD 75.9 million in the previous quarter, due to higher oil sales following record quarterly production in Gabon. The net production from operated assets was 25,570 bbls/day. This includes the Tortue, Hibiscus, and Hibiscus South fields in the Dussafu licence (73.5% working interest or WI) and the Golfinho field (100% WI). “BW Energy delivers record quarterly production and cash-flow from operation in the third quarter, supporting attractive appraisal, development, and field optimisation […]
Panoro Energy ASA and BW Energy have announced the signing of production sharing contracts (PSCs) for the exploration blocks Niosi Marin and Guduma Marin (formerly named G12-13 and H12-13) with Gabon’s Petroleum Minister and Minister of Economy. BW Energy holds 37.5% working interest and is the operator of the blocks, which significantly expands the resource […]
Panoro Energy has safely and successfully delivered the current production drilling campaign at Dussafu, which was expanded to eight wells in order to accommodate the fast-track development of the two new discoveries which were announced in May 2024. With five out of the eight wells presently onstream, in addition to the six pre-existing wells at […]
Gabon is sub-Saharan Africa’s fourth largest producer and exporter of crude oil. The Dussafu Marin Permit is a Development and Exploitation license with multiple discoveries and prospects lying within a proven oil and gas play fairway within the Southern Gabon Basin. To the north west of the block is the Etame-Ebouri Trend, a collection of […]
Panoro Energy has announced that the DHIBM-7P pilot well has successfully made a significant new oil discovery on the northern flank of the Hibiscus field, at the Dussafu Marin Permit offshore Gabon. Preliminary evaluation indicates scope for a notable increase to both in place volumes and recoverable reserves in the Hibiscus field area. The partners […]
BW Energy has announced a substantial oil discovery with good reservoir quality in the DHIBM-7P pilot well drilled to appraise the northern flank of the Hibiscus field. The Company plans to complete the well as a production well later in 2024.The DHIBM-7P pilot was drilled from the MaBoMo production platform to a total depth of […]
Panoro Energy ASA is pleased to provide an update on operations at the Dussafu Marin Permit offshore Gabon in which Panoro holds a 17.5 per cent participating interest. Gross production averaged approximately 24,840 bopd in Q1 2024 and in Q2 to date has averaged approximately 29,800 bopd, the uplift in output being attributable to start […]
BW Energy, as the operator of the Dussafu Marine licence in Gabon and the Golfinho cluster offshore Brazil, provides an update on its operations and development. The Company will publish financial figures for the first quarter of 2024 on Friday, 24 May 2024. Net production to BW Energy from the operated assets was 2.48 million […]
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