BW Energy has disclosed safely resumption of oil production from the DHBSM-1H well in the Hibiscus South field on the Dussafu Licence offshore Gabon five months after the initial discovery was made in November 2023. Production performance from the well has been in line with expectations and is currently stabilised at approximately 5,000-6,000 barrels of […]
Perenco Oil & Gas Gabon (POGG) has resumed spudding of an appraisal well in the vicinity of the Hylia South West discovery, offshore Gabon. This field was discovered in December 2022 through the exploration well HYSM-1 when a 40 meter net oil-bearing column was proved in the Ntchengue Ocean (NTO) reservoir, as well as a […]
Maurel & Prom S.A. (M&P) has disclosed the knowledge of the signing agreement made on 15 February 2024 concerning the share purchase agreement (SPA) between the Gabonese national oil company Gabon Oil Company (GOC) and Assala Energy Investments (Carlyle) regarding GOC’s acquisition of Assala Energy Holdings Ltd and all of its subsidiaries (Assala). This signing […]
BW Energy, the operator of the Dussafu Marine licence in Gabon and the Golfinho cluster offshore Brazil said that the gross production from the operated assets stood at 3,031,000 barrels of oil in the fourth quarter of 2023. This includes production from the Tortue and Hibiscus fields in the Dussafu licence (73.5% working interest) and the […]
BW Energy today announced that the DHBSM-1 appraisal well has encountered commercial volumes of oil in the Hibiscus South satellite prospect. The Company plans to return to the well to complete it as a production well in early 2024. The DHBSM-1 well was drilled from the MaBoMo production platform to a total depth of 6,002 […]
Perenco Oil & Gas Gabon (POGG) has disclosed successful startup of production the Hylia South West Discovery. The discovery is located offshore Gabon in 40 meter water depth, 10km south of the Hylia field. The commencement of production follows the drilling of the exploration well on the Mono permit in December 2022, when the HYSM-01 […]
Panoro Energy an African focused E&P company said that the Hibiscus field production has been re-instated at the DHIBM-3H well on electrical submersible pump (ESP). The DHIBM-4H well, which has recently been producing on natural flow as previously communicated has ESP also been sucessfully re-started. Both wells had experienced surface electrical issues preventing operation of […]
The Maurel & Prom Group (M&P) has confirmed discussions were held last week between the management of M&P Gabon and the representatives of local communities around the Ezanga permits following their demands in terms of employment and economic benefits. These discussions took place with the support of the Gabonese authorities and quickly resulted in an […]
Sequel to BW Energy previous update that the MaBoMo production facility has received first hydrocarbons from the Hibiscus field in early April which was followed by the declaration of the well performance being in line with company’s expectation and the Dussafu combined production temporarily reaching up to 30,000 barrels of oil per day after the […]
Maurel & Prom (M&P) said that, following a bid process, its Board of Directors approved the signature of, and M&P has signed, a Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) with Carlyle International Energy Partners for the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Assala Energy Holdings Ltd. and all of its subsidiary entities holding the Assala group’s […]
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