
Offshore Vessels

Shearwater Embarks On New Angolan OBN Survey For TotalEnergies

Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS has been awarded offshore survey contract by TotalEnergies of an Angolan OBN project. The deepwater OBN survey will be conducted by the dual ROV equipped SW Tasman, the fit for purpose seismic node laying vessel which was converted in 2023, and SW Gallien as source vessel. The survey will commence in […]

Oilfield Africa - Friday October 18, 2024
Investing in future ammonia markets – ‘An Alternative To LPG’?

The maritime industry has been captivated by the ordering of more than 50 Very Large Ammonia Carriers (VLACs) over the past 12 months. While these orders suggest a market surge in the direction of ammonia, a deeper analysis shows that most will be initially deployed as LPG carriers. Martin Cartwright, Global Business Director of Gas […]

Oilfield Africa - Thursday October 17, 2024
TGS Achieves Milestone Record For Longest Deepwater Node Survey Campaign Offshore Guyana

TGS, a leading global provider of energy data and intelligence, is pleased to announce the successful completion of a series of marine Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) surveys offshore Guyana.  On December 1st, 2023, the final node recovery marked the culmination of three exclusive OBN surveys commissioned by ExxonMobil Guyana. TGS successfully acquired 2,400 square kilometers of OBN […]

Oilfield Africa - Friday December 22, 2023
Maersk Supply Service To Focus On Offshore Wind And Offshore Support Vessels

According to the company, by focusing on fewer business areas and regions, Maersk Supply Service will increase its presence in core markets, increase synergies in its operations and improve profitability. Going forward its two core business areas will be offshore wind and offshore support vessels (OSV). The offshore vessel markets continue to improve, and the […]

Oilfield Africa - Tuesday August 29, 2023
MODEC Wins 10th FPSO Supply Contract In Brazil

MODEC has signed a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with Equinor Brasil Energia Ltd, a subsidiary of Equinor ASA, to supply a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel to produce the field cluster of Pao de Acucar, Seat & Gavea in the BM-C-33 block of the Campos Basin offshore Brazil. The FPSO is one […]

Oilfield Africa - Friday May 12, 2023
SBM Offshore Completes US$1.75 Billion FSPO ONE GUYANA Project

SBM Offshore has announced that it has completed the project financing of FPSO ONE GUYANA for a total of US$1.75 billion. The project financing was secured by a consortium of 15 international banks. The Company expects to draw the loan in full, phased over the construction period of the FPSO. The financing will become non-recourse once the FPSO is completed and the pre-completion guarantee […]

Oilfield Africa - Saturday July 23, 2022
Exxonmobil’s FPSO Liza Unity Is The First To Receive A Sustain-1 Notation By The ABS

On the northeastern coastline of South America, Guyana is the location of one of the most significant oil discoveries in the past decade. Using industry-leading technology, ExxonMobil is working to develop, reliably produce and deliver energy resources from these discoveries to the global market. And, the Liza Unity floating production storage and offloading vessel, where […]

Oilfield Africa - Friday July 15, 2022
Woodside, Bumi FPSO Contract Termination Saga Lingers As Bumi Appeal Suit Dismissed

Woodside and Armada Balnaves Pte Ltd (Bumi) a Malaysia-based international offshore oilfield services provider  have been engaged in the Western Australian Supreme Court proceedings brought by Bumi (Armada Balnaves Pte Ltd v Woodside Julimar Pty Ltd CIV/1408/2016) with respect to Woodside’s termination in March 2016 of the services agreement for the Armada Claire FPSO.  The […]

Oilfield Africa - Tuesday June 28, 2022
Yinson FPSO Anna Neryproject still in Progress

Yinson has revealed that the FPSO Anna Nery project is still on track with over 10.5 million manhours without any Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) thus far. Upon completion of repair and life extension works at CoscoChangxing, the vessel has recently moved to CoscoQidong where topside module integration and testing have commenced.  Despite the challenges brought […]

Oilfield Africa - Wednesday October 13, 2021
SBM Offshore completes Total’s US$1.05 billion FPSO Prosperity project

SBM Offshore has announced it has completed the project financing of FPSO Prosperity for a total of US$1.05 billion. The project financing was secured by a consortium of 11 international banks. The Company expects to draw the loan in full, phased over the construction period of the FPSO. The financing will become non-recourse once the FPSO is completed and the pre-completion guarantee has been released. The […]

Oilfield Africa - Wednesday June 30, 2021

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