
CNOOC Gets New Concession Contracts Approval in Mozambique

The Government of Mozambique approved, at the 9th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers, held on March 26, 2024, the terms and conditions of the Concession Contracts for Research and Production of Hydrocarbons in Areas A6-E, A6-G, A6-D, S6-A and S6-B, awarded to the multinational China National Oil Corporation Hong Kong Holding Ltd (CNOOC) and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, EP (ENH), an entity that represents the commercial interests of the Mozambican State.

With the acquisition of at least 26,000 km2 of 3D seismic and the drilling of a minimum of four (04) deepwater wildcat wells, the giant China National Oil Corporation Hong Kong Holding Ltd (CNOOC) and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, E.P. (ENH) will be responsible for operating the five new hydrocarbon exploration and production areas, whose concession contracts have now been approved by the Mozambican government.

The approval of these concession contracts marks the culmination of a process that began in November 2021, when the Government of Mozambique, through the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), launched the Sixth Public Tender for the Concession of sixteen (16) Areas located at sea ( offshore ) for research and production of hydrocarbons.

This milestone, in addition to demonstrating a constructive commitment between partners, demonstrates a strong commitment by the Government of Mozambique to creating a favorable environment for investments. Furthermore, it reaffirms our country’s position as a preferred destination for investments in hydrocarbon research which, in harmony with the Government’s strategic vision, will allow the creation of more opportunities for the country’s economic and social development.

It is expected that the beginning of the activities planned for the first sub-period of the First Research Period will occur after the concession contracts now approved have become effective, which comprises the acquisition of at least 26000km 2 of 3D seismic, opening a minimum of 04 ( four) research wells in deep waters and carrying out geoscientific studies off the Save and Angoche regions.

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