Damen the world renowned shipbuilder has developed a new concept vessel, the Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) 9020, featuring a stable platform with lots of accommodation, good station-keeping capability, low carbon emissions and flexibility to add mission-specific tools. The vessel has been designed to perform a variety of offshore tasks both at surface level and subsea. “We were approached by several different operators at the same time, all looking for slightly different offshore capabilities, but similar enough that their requirements could be met with a conceptual standard platform,” Damen design and proposal engineer, Mark Couwenberg said. “The thinking behind the OSV 9020 is very much in line with the Damen philosophy of shipbuilding in series; it’s a standard product, as a result drawing upon proven technology, that can be tailored to individual requirements via modularization.” “We were approached by several different operators at the same time, all looking for slightly different offshore capabilities, but similar enough that their requirements could be met with a conceptual standard platform.” “The vessel can be fitted with a moonpool-deployed saturation dive system to allow diving operations at offshore crane, a stern A-frame and an offshore access system. The vessel can also act as a submarine rescue vessel. For this, submarine rescue gear is placed on deck. To ensure suitability for this scope of work, the available vessel a c c o m m o d a t i o n , m a n e u v e r i n g systems and dive support systems are crucial features.” Mark Couwenberg stated. The OSV 9020 provides living space for up to 120 persons on board. Interior design is designed to ensure those on board will quickly feel at home, with lots of possibilities to personalize their stay on board. A helicopter deck is integrated in the design, further increasing the vessel flexibility. “There has been a lot of consideration to make sure the accommodation is both functional and comfortable. For example, care has been taken to ensure proper on board logistics, so that daily routines are as efficient as possible and that working areas are separated from living space.”
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