
The House of Representatives has affirmed its support for Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited (TSSNL), the military and other security agencies in combating crude oil theft and sabotage,  Gbaramatu Voice has reported.

During an on-the-spot inspection of vessels apprehended by Tantita in collaboration with other security outfits by members of associated Committees on oil and gas at Oporoza, headquarters of Gbaramatu Kingdom, Delta State on Friday, the House gave the assurance.

They also had a brief meeting with High Chief Government Ekpemupolo, also known as Tompolo, the founder of Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited.

Leader of the delegation, Alhassan Ado Doguwa, Chairman, House Committee on Petroleum Resources (Upstream), and Special Committee on Oil theft, said they were directed by the House leadership to assess the recent developments and report back to parliament.

Commending Tantita for its commendable work, Doguwa stated: “When you find someone doing a very good job you have to support him. To whom much is given much is expected. So I want to tell you without any fear of contradiction what Tantita is doing here is quite a commendable job.”

He continued, “We, the committee, have commended him and we must see to it that whatever is due for him must be given to him.”

The committee on crude oil theft visited to observe firsthand the activities around the shores of oil and gas industry in the Niger Delta, expressing concerns about the rise in crude oil prices.

“We are also not unmindful of the fact that there was a recent arrest of oil vessels – first, second, and third instances by the security agencies generally, around the shores of the waters within the Niger Delta area.”

“So we came to see for ourselves and were able to visit the site of these arrested vessels and persons on behalf of the National Assembly, especially in the House of Representatives.”

“This is relevant to the committee chairman of the oil and gas committees in the House of Representatives, as we are all out to see to the increased production of our oil and gas industry,” he said.

The visit has afforded them the opportunity to see a complete sense of determination and commitment by the Nigerian security agencies, alongside the support of private companies that have been doing well for the protection of the nation’s assets.

Tantita’s Executive Director, Operations, Captain Warriedi Enisuoh, briefed the lawmakers on how the vessel was arrested.

Enisuoh, who took them round the vessel, said that the arrest would not have been possible without the support of the security forces and NSCDC.

Source:  Gbaramatu Voice

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