  • ADIPEC 2023 continues to demonstrate the transformative impact of technology and its role in facilitating the innovative and disruptive thinking that will be critical to low-carbon growth and accelerating the world’s decarbonisation goals
  • Strategic and Technical Conference sessions highlighted the role of AI in the energy transition, scaling up energy-related technology solutions, the role of innovation in enabling decarbonisation in heavy industry sectors and more.
  • Day 3 provided insights from key stakeholders addressing the importance of enabling innovation as a united ecosystem: “Innovate in partnership. No one company can hack it – no one industry, ecosystem – so partnerships across the industry and beyond are what we target. We have to be ready to test pilot, be patient and take risks”.

Abu Dhabi, 4 October 2023 –Showcasing the power of technology in delivering a just and effective energy transition, at scale, was in sharp focus on day three of AIDPEC, the world’s largest energy exhibition and conference, currently underway in Abu Dhabi.

Bringing together more than 40 ministers, 100s of C-suite executives and experts from energy, technology, finance and academia, the third day of the conference continued to plot the industry’s energy transition and the role of technology in facilitating it.

Thomas Storch, Managing Director, Affinity Partners, summarised thewave of innovation soaking through the industry:“One of the things which makes me the most optimistic about the future is that we are seeing this groundswell of innovation across every vertical. Across areas such as energy efficiency and storage, we have incredible minds every day waking up and coming up with the next innovation. The pathway to net zero will rest on innovation.”

The day opened with a strategic panel discussion on Scaling up technology for an efficient and sustainable transition, with leaders from globally recognised technology companies sharing their insights into how technology is a key enabler in the energy transition, whether it be supporting industries, businessesor governments, to decarbonise, or how to find effective solutions to mitigate emissions and improve performance. With experts and innovators from AspenTech, TechnipFMC, AVEVA, Wartsila, ADNOC, AWS and Crystol Energy, the discussion centred on the importance of fast-tracking technology adoption and facilitating wider deployment of sustainable innovations throughout the value chain.

Commenting on the potential of technology to transform the energy sector, HåkanAgnevall, President and CEO of Wartsila said, “We are living in times where we can really set the stage for the future. Looking at many of the reputable companies here, we have the technology, or we will in a very short time. The big thing is the social transformation and the capital, which is not an easy thing. That’s why we need to have these kinds of events to come together”.

This was followed by a panel which explored the necessity oflevelling up supply chains in order to boost demand, lower costs, encourage greater flexibility and incentivise innovation within the industry. The discussion was focused on vulnerabilities exposed by recent volatility, and the importance of ensuring that supply chains are resilient enough to withstand shocks and continue to deliver the goods and services critical for business and society.

Industry experts shared their experiences of making this a reality within their sector and beyond, including Martin Helwig, CEO of P&O Logistics, Ichiro Takahara, CEO of JOGMEC, Ken Gilmartin CEO of Wood and BerislavGaso, EVP Energy, OMV.

In summarising the discussion, Ken Gilmartin CEO of Woodmade the point that “the supply chain is key, it is the engine that is going to power the energy transition. You look at where we are globally, everybody is ready, we are just waiting for the investment. The piece that we are all debating is the pace, and where we need to invest. But there is belief that we need to get after this, we need to be more resolute, and we need to accelerate. It starts with decarbonisation, and we have to get after decarbonisation through the lens of energy security”.

ADIPEC’s unique ability to unite policymakers, company leaders, and industry thought leaders enables it to be the only event where the multiple and interconnected challenges facing the global energy sector can be properly and comprehensively addressed. Looking ahead to the final day, ADIPEC, taking place under the theme ‘Decarbonising, Faster, Together’, is facilitating dialogue, critical cross-sector partnerships and the game-changing solutions needed to advance decarbonisation and future-proof energy systems.

Partnerships are needed now to unlock the industry’s potential’ experts discuss how to mobilise finance and drive innovation at ADIPEC

  • Day two of ADIPEC 2023 emphasised the importance of mobilising capital andpartnerships whilebalancing competing prioritiesin the pursuit of net-zero ambitions.
  • Sessions focused on the importance of forging cross industry partnerships to mobilise finance and drive innovation; uniting people, policy, technology & capital in the pursuit of net-zero.
  • Second day featured a ministerial panel onthe road to COP28,whererepresentatives from the Global South called for a change in the narrative around climate finance. “It is often seen as aid, or help. This needs to be changed, it needs to be seen as partnership”.

Abu Dhabi, 3 October 2023 – The second day of ADIPEC – the world’s largest energy exhibition and conference -focused on the importance of uniting industries, through people, policy, technology, and capital, to ensure a just and efficient energy transition.

Addressing the importance of building this shared ecosystem, Lucian Boldea,President and CEO of Honeywell Performance Materials & Technologiessaid:”When you look at the energy transition and decarbonisation, there haven’t been any breakthroughs in the past year. The tools, the technology, and the willpower are there. Looking ahead, it’s partnerships that are needed now to unlock the industry’s potential.”

ADIPEC 2023 opened in Abu Dhabi yesterday under the theme ‘Decarbonising. Faster. Together.’ Bringing together stakeholders from across business, finance, technology, government, academia, and wider society, the second day of ADIPEC demonstrated the importance of rallying diverse voices and industries to ensure an inclusive and effective decarbonisation of the global energy system.

This complex balance between society, industry and government was a theme of the ministerial panel,The road to COP28: climate, sustainability and an equitable transition. In this panel, ministers operating at the frontline of policy decisions around climate shared their views on the opportunities and compromises the energy transition presents.

Discussions focused on the importance of enabling commercially viable climate solutions and accelerating investment.Osama Mobarez, Secretary General, East Mediterranean Gas Forumemphasised the need to alignsecurity and energyahead of the event in November: “It is important we strike a balance between energy security and the energy transition. People see energy security as short term, and the energy transition as long term. I think both should be long term objectives.”

TheinauguralHydrogen Strategic Conferencebrought together energy leaders from across the world to chart a course for the commercial-viability and mainstream use of hydrogen. With a crucial role to play in enabling a low-carbon future, achieving scale for hydrogen solutions is essential, as highlighted by Astrid Poupart-Lafarge, Global Segment President Energies and Chemicals, Schneider Electric: “This industry is an old and new industry that needs to reinvent itself. It is old because we re-invented a decades old process…but we need to mature into a new industry at an extremely fast pace”.

Accelerating commercialisation was a key point of discussion duringa panel on the role of sustainable fuels in driving decarbonisation. Scale was identified as a key challenge, Phil Caldwell, CEO of Ceres Power, said: “The technology has come a long way – it still needs to be scaled and the doubts that exist now are about the pace of scale. I think that is where the industries in this room can help. The faster we adopt these technologies the quicker we can scale”.

The role of financein mobilising the energy transition and the challenges associated with itwas summarised by Niall Hannigan, Chief Financial Officer of Masdar, during the panel onfast tracking finance and prioritising investments for the energy transition: “Investors need scale. They want to see a clear policy framework within a geography, underpinned by a stable, transparent regulatory regime. Governments won’t attract investors alone – we need regulators, developers, development banks and commercial banks in the room together to create a programme. That collaborative conversation is essential.”

ADIPEC affirmed its position as an international platform to forge the partnerships necessary to drive forward a just and effective energy transition. By bringing together leaders in energy, finance and policy, ADIPEC provides the only globally recognised forum for competing interests to unite in prioritise decarbonisation, reduce emissions and foster economic growth.

Energy world to come together at ADIPEC in Abu Dhabi to showcase the cutting-edge innovations and bold partnerships accelerating the energy transition

  • Built on a nearly 40-year legacy of innovation and leadership in energy, ADIPEC will gather more than 160,000 attendees from 164 countries
  • Over 2,200 companies from energy, manufacturing, technology, shipping and logistics, will exhibit across 16 halls and four specialised areas to advance progress on Net Zero
  • The brightest minds and leading energy companies will engage in critical dialogue across ADIPEC’s 350+ sessions and develop tangible solutions for a sustainable future

Abu Dhabi, 1October2023 –ADIPEC 2023 will open its doors on Monday, 2 October, gathering the global energy industry to advance decarbonising today’s energy system and to collaborate on the energy system of tomorrow.

Featuring a rich exhibition programme that covers energy-related technology, innovation, collaboration, and digitalisation, ADIPEC 2023 is expected to attract more than 160,000+ attendees from 164 countries for its biggest edition ever.

Held Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, and hosted by ADNOC, ADIPEC 2023 will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC)until Thursday, October 5.Under the theme of ‘Decarbonising. Faster. Together.’,the event is taking place just seven weeks before the UAE hosts COP28, providing a platform to convene energy and related industries to align on the lower-carbon, high-growth future of energy.

ADIPEC builds on its nearly 40-year legacy of innovation to showcase and platform the cutting-edge technologies and systems critical to achieving the global energy transition. Companies from across the energy ecosystem will showcase the innovations and technologies driving the industry’s journey to Net Zero,including direct air capture (DAC), carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), green hydrogen electrolysers, power-to-x, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

The ADIPEC Exhibition will enable visitors to connect with over 2,200 global companies across 16 exhibition hallsand 30 country pavilions, making it an ideal platform to drive business growth through its invaluable opportunities for cross-sectoral networking, deal-making, and knowledge exchange.

This year, ADIPEC also includes four specialised areas focused on facilitating cross-sector collaboration and game-changing partnerships –Decarbonisation Accelerator, Maritime & Logistics Zone, Digitalisation in Energy Zone, and Manufacturing & Industrialisation Exhibition & Conference. The Maritime & Logistics Zone is located inthe dedicated Marina Hall, which also includes the Maritime & Logistics Technical and Strategic Conferences.

Visitors can also attend Innovation Sessions, where industry experts will share insights on new ways of thinking and working that are driving decarbonisation at scale and pace. Split across three dedicated tracks – Decarbonisation,Maritime and Logistics, and Digitalisation in Energy –the sessions are designed to facilitatesolution-orientated dialogue in a curated programmeformat. They are complemented by the Cross-Sector Co-Lab Programme, where visitors can explore the cross-industry partnerships that are accelerating the energy transition.

Christopher Hudson, President of dmg events, organisers of ADIPEC 2023 said:“ADIPEC 2023, with its bold conference agenda and massive exhibition plan, presents visitors with unparalleled opportunities for collaboration, partnership, learning, and investment. Never before have we gathered so many cutting-edge innovations, powerful partnerships, visionary global leaders, disruptive innovators, and thought leaders in one place, all contributing to a decarbonised energy transition.

“ADIPEC 2023 has something for everyone in the energy industry. Whether you are looking for insights on how to leverage digital technologies for greater operational efficiency, want to learn about the policies impacting the energy transition or find out about green finance and investment opportunities, ADIPEC is where to be.”

More than 1,600 speakers, including over 40 ministers and 120 c-suite executives from across the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, will address more than 15,000 delegates in over 350 ADIPEC conference sessions. They will share strategies and innovative ideas to accelerate collective, responsible action to future-proof energy.

For ease of access to the ADNEC venue, a free Park-and-Ride service has been arranged for ADIPEC visitors. Visitors can be picked up and dropped off between the ADNEC venue and the Zayed Sports City parking location every 5 minutes, from 8:00-18:30, between 2-5 October 2023.

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