

South Sudan Set To Take Over China-Operated Oilfields By 2027

South Sudan’s state-controlled Nile Petroleum Corporation (Nilepet)  is on the verge of taken over the management of some oilfields in the country by 2027, when the operatorship contract of these oilfields  with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is expected to expire. Nilepet’s managing director Chol Deng Thon Abel told Bloomberg in a recent interview. CNPC […]

Oilfield Africa - Tuesday September 15, 2020
South Sudan slates Oil Blocks Licensing Round in 2020

South Sudan recent oil discovery in commercial scale in Northern Upper Nile State has been projected for licensing round by first quarter of 2002. The country new oil well discovery in the Adar area of Northern Upper Nile State that contains 5.3 million barrels of recoverable crude was announced by the Petroleum Minister Awow Daniel […]

Oilfield Africa - Friday March 13, 2020

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